*** The motorola barcode scanner has been discontinued ***

To improve the efficiency of sample handling in the lab, you can get the eLABScan Barcode Scanner as an add-on to eLabInventory. The eLABScan Barcode Scanner is a dedicated mobile PC and scanner that directly connects to your account and retrieves sample information on the screen of the barcode scanner. The eLABScan Barcode Scanner requires a Wi-Fi internet connection enabling labs to manage samples anywhere in the lab.

The barcode Scanner connects via a Wi-Fi connection for information retrieval without being connected directly to a computer. View sample information on the built-in display and move samples around in the lab without the need of a computer while keeping a full sample audit trail of all samples processed in the lab. the eLABScan barcode scanner requires a custom installation and need to be authorized to view sample information in your lab. Access to the sample information is verified by login barcodes. The eLABScan barcode scanner is shipped as a ready-to-use barcode scanner to your lab. 

The scanner offers the following functionality:

  • View sample information – to view sample information on the scanner screen by scanning the sample barcode
  • Linking external barcodes – link an external barcode to an existing sample
  • Check-out samples – remove a sample from its storage location
  • Check-in samples – place a checked-out sample in to a new storage location
  • Move samples – move a sample from one location to another location
  • Archive samples – remove the sample from the lab inventory and automatically archive
  • Change the sample quantity – set, add, subtract and remove the sample quantity of a sample
  • Moving a compartment – change the location of a compartment in a storage unit
  • Empty a compartment – remove all samples in the scanned samples compartment and archive them
  • Order a product – place a product from the lab catalogue on the lab shopping list (only with ordering module)
  • Receive a product – Change the status of a product to received on the order list (only with ordering module)

Actions can be performed on single samples, but also offers functionality to scan multiple samples and perform these actions on all samples or a sample series. 

*** The motorola barcode scanner has been discontinued ***