If you want to develop your own add-on for the Marketplace, the first step is to enroll as a developer. If your organization uses eLabInventory in a Private Cloud or On-Premises installation, you can contact your key user to assign you the role as developer in the system. We strongly recommend and offer use of our SDK development environment  if you have a Private Cloud or On-Premises installation to mitigate any risks when developing/testing add-ons in a production system.

If you are using eLabInventory in the Cloud, you can contact us to enroll you as developer in our SDK development environment. Please contact our customer support team to register and provide you access. After you are enrolled as a developer, you can get started with development and set-up you SDK development environment. Once development of your add-on is completed, you can send the add-on to your organization's key user for installation in the Marketplace. 

Developing public add-ons

If you have developed or want to develop an add-on for public use, we offer the option to submit your add-on to our public Marketplace. Please contact us to enroll in our add-on developer program. In the future, we will support the selling of add-ons through the Marketplace.