Your account's time zone is set during registration. All dates in the system are recorded in UTC and are automatically converted based on your selected time zone. Therefore, it is important that the time zone is correctly set so that dates and times are properly displayed in the system. If your lab relocates, or if your time zone is incorrectly set, you can change the time zone in the Account Settings under My Account.

Under the General tab, you may change the time zone setting for your account. Select the desired time zone from the dropdown list and click Save Setting to confirm.

In addition to changing the time zone, eLabInventory also supports the display of dates and times in different format depending on your preference. The following date formats are supported:

  • year / month / day – yyyy-mm-dd (default setting)
  • month / day / year – mm-dd-yyyy
  • day / month / year – dd-mm-yyyy

The following time formats are supported:

  • 24h 0-24h (default setting)
  • AM/PM – 0-12AM and 0-12PM

After saving these settings, all dates and times displayed in the application will automatically be formatted according to the chosen date and time settings.